Thursday, August 20, 2015

Challenges in America

I dragged my heavy laptop through all 9 states of my American trip with the intention of updating this blog whilst traveling. Unfortunately, an update was not meant to be. Between eating 5 meals a day, sightseeing and meeting family and friends, there wasn't a lot of time to sit down and focus on a blog post. Honestly, I think I was a little too ambitious with my challenges while traveling as well. I managed to do pretty well on my water drinking challenge, an jump rope challenge, but it was really difficult to get 8fit in.

The sky is so blue in America!

Hard to find the Reuben around all this pastrami...

Just chillin... on a tree!

So far so good on the water challenge! I've been hitting at least 2L of water a day. It's funny... the more water I drink, the thirstier I seem to get. I think my body has adapted to drinking so little water over time that it had sort of accepted it. Now that I'm giving it more water, it just wants more and more! In a silly way, I miss not having to use the bathroom as often... but I guess my health is worth it!

Just kept refilling this 1L bottle on the road!

While driving it was useful to use this cup with a straw! Much safer! Also... I drink water a lot faster when I'm using a straw!

Jumping rope has actually been really fun! The first day I walked out of my hostel in Charleston at 6am and did all 100 jumps in one go without having to stop at all. Most days I was waking up early to get my jumps in before the day really got going. It has definitely gotten significantly more difficult as the month has gone on, and I had taken a couple days break with the flight and the jet lag... but I can do this! Today was a rest day on the calendar but I got 600 jumps in. Tomorrow I'll continue!

Getting your jumps in and watching the sun rise... there are worse ways to start you day!

Even got the boyfriend in on the jump rope action sometimes!

Now that I'm home in Korea the weather is crazy humid... even late at night and in the evening. I remembered that  my jump rope came with these balls that would simulate using a full rope. It's difficult to jump rope in the house with a full rope because I don't have very high ceilings, but these ball ropes have worked out really well for jumping in the house!

Expect my next entry to come in a lot let time than this one did! Until then!