Thursday, September 24, 2015

September, Week 3 - The Week of Boiled Eggs and another Big Change

With my boyfriend off in Japan, I spent most of week 3 hanging out with Bilbo in our new house... doing my best to get things in order. Truth be told, we were expecting a new roommate so I wanted to get things in decent shape before she arrived!

Here she is! Her name is Nari (나리)! The reason we went down to Busan was to pick up this little bundle of joy. We adopted her from Busan Abandoned Pet Sanctuary, which I heard is one of the only, if not the only, completely no-kill shelters in Korea. It's a great organization run by some lovely, hard working people. 
Here she is all cleaned up!

Settling in nicely!

Egg Challenge -

Sept 15. - Scrambled eggs with a Japanese seasoning. Also, pickled peppers and pickled artichoke hearts!

Sept. 16. - Sunny side up eggs, with garlic and paprika and a side of apple sauce

Sept. 17. - 2 hard boiled eggs and a farmers market apple (so good!!)

Sept. 18 - Sports day at my school. So, teachers are traditionally given bread. I also picked up 2 smoked eggs at a convenience store on my way to work!

Sept. 19. - Left my house super early in the morning to head down to Busan. The night before I hard boiled a bunch of eggs so I could have breakfast on the road. 

Sept. 20. - Eggs purchased at a convenience store in Busan. I think these were baked?

The cook on the eggs gives the eggs themselves this brown color. 

Sept. 21 - I think I've found my favorite convenience store eggs!

The come with salt!

And are this beautiful brown color!

Walking Week 2

Despite my worries, I was able to get all of my goal steps in this week! I ended up walking my dog, and then dogs, around the neighborhood a lot to explore things. Whenever I move to a new place I really like to get out and experience it. Finding all the hidden coffee shops and restaurants as well as parks that aren't so busy, seems like a treasure hunt! I think all the walking has mostly been good for Bilbo as well. He's certainly getting a lot more exercise than he used to!

I got 105,053 steps total for week 3! More than last week! I had been worried about my trip to Busan negatively affecting my walking goal, but it didn't at all. Even though I spent the majority of my first day in Busan driving, when we finally got there, we spent a lot of time walking around a temple, an art village and locally in the neighborhood in search of food!

Beautiful Seaside Temple!

Gamcheon Culture Village

The reason I got so much walking in the 2nd day in Busan is because of the shelter's adoption policy. In order to adopt an animal from them, you're required to attend 2 volunteer dog walking events to they can get to know you and so you can get to know your dog. However, because we were coming all the way from Seoul, we only had to attend 1. I had a great time though! I spent most of the afternoon walking these dogs so they could stretch their legs after being cooped up all week! If you're in the Busan area and you've got some time on a Sunday, I recommend going out there!

This is lovely Ingrid!

This ball of energy is Jackson!
The next entry will be a wrap-up of the rest of Sept! Here's hoping for a strong finish! Until next time!

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