Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October - The First Half...

Sorry for the lack of an update after the first week! Things at work got a bit busier than I expected! I also had a stressful personal situation last week that took over a lot of my mental time. (a break in) It eventually got to the point where I might as well just wait and bundle the first 2 weeks into one post! The time has also gone by so quickly. It honestly doesn't feel like it's already been 2 weeks!

No School Lunch - Success!

I have not caved to eating the school lunch even once! I'm trying to pack healthy, mostly balanced lunches. I have not been very good about taking photos of what I'm eating, but perhaps I'll try to be better about that for the future. Luckily, the boyfriend is really wonderful and often prepares lunch for me... or he makes enough dinner to have leftovers for lunch. This has made it a lot easier. However, maybe for the next 2 weeks in addition to not eating the school lunch, I'll also try to be more proactive about preparing lunch! (unless it's leftovers! I really am a big fan of leftovers! haha)

Example 1 of a leftover lunch! A vegetable noodle soup that has a lot of pickled and spicy flavor. Delicious!

Example 2 of a leftover lunch! A chicken and chickpea curry with mixed grain rice! Oh, plus an egg, because after eating them every day last month, I'm still not tired of them!

Workout 4 Days a Week - Success!

I did join Body and Seoul the first week. I signed up for 4 classes a week and so far I haven't wasted my money by skipping a class! As I expected, I've mostly focused on the Fight Fit classes. The 3 trainers I've had for fight fit have also all be great. It's nice to take classes from a variety of people because obviously, they offer variety! I hadn't done any strength training since my July challenge so my muscles were definitely out of practice. The first couple lessons were a real shock to my system. Honestly, I could barely move after the 2nd session I did and couldn't even straighten my legs all the way. I took a needed rest day and then jumped right back into it! The body is so interesting though! Even if I'm crazy sore before a workout, exercising seems to blast the soreness away... even if it's just temporarily. I can't wait to get stronger! Specifically, I can't wait to build up my upper body strength!

Try Yoga and/or Pilates - Success!

Last Friday, the 9th, I did a pilates class. It was very legs focused and really intense but I enjoyed it! It was more of a calming intense... if that makes any sense at all! Unfortunately the pilates classes at Body and Seoul are rarely scheduled for times that I can attend them. The only reason I was able to attend the class was because last Friday was a holiday and I was able to go there in the late morning.

I was talking to a lady after Fight Fit on Tuesday and she said I should stay for Yoga after a Fight Fit class, so I think I'll try that next week! She thinks it really helps to stretch out the muscles after such an intense workout! 

Practice Guitar Everyday - Fail :(

Well... technically a failure because I didn't practice every day... but also a victory because I practiced a heck of a lot more than I ever have before! I'm actually starting to build some calluses on my fingers! I really like Yousician, but of course, because I'm using the free version there are some limitations to how long I can use the app for and there are also advertisements trying to convince you to pay for it. It might be something worth considering later. But at the moment, the free version is working out just fine. 

To wrap things up... I'm happy about how October has gone so far and I'm looking forward to continuing through the rest of the month and beyond! Even though it's only been about a week and a 1/2 of actual classes at Body & Seoul, I'm already seeing changes in my body. Things are difinitely getting firmer and stronger. Also, after so long working out solo in my living room, it's nice to work out in a group again! It's also been nice eating my own meals at school. Finally... I'm excited about the progress I've made with the guitar so far and am looking forward to continuing it and improving! Maybe one day soon, I'll even be able to play an entire song! haha

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa playing guitar, whoot! Go you! Music is healthy for the mind and the soul :). Wish I could be there!
